Let us know of any other relevant grants you are aware of so we can add them to this resource
Avon Gardens Trust – offering grants for community groups to develop their communal spaces
Defra Community Green Spaces Fund – a new grants scheme coming soon for community growing
BWCE Community Energy Fund – surplus income from BWCE renewable energy generating projects provides grants to local community projects that aim to reduce carbon emissions and alleviate fuel poverty.
National Garden Scheme Community Garden grants – The application process for 2025 will open in the autumn 2024. Full details of how to apply will be published later in the year.
Natoora Farm Fund – Grants are open to farmers who are 35 and under in the USA, UK and Europe, committed to agroecological cultivation methods. They ask applicants to demonstrate how their project reinforces soil health, cultural preservation, biodiversity, access to land, accessible scale and education. A third of each year’s funds are reserved for young people previously held back by social, racial or economic barriers. Applications for the 2024/25 grants will be opened later in 2024.
Social Farms and Gardens – a UK wide charity representing and supporting community gardens and social farms
Permaculture Association – promoting permaculture ethics and design principles to create healthy cultures and ecosystems
Landworkers’ Alliance – a union of farmers, growers, foresters and land-based workers
National Forest Gardening Scheme – A community of forest gardeners with a Loomio forum to ask questions, share knowledge and experience.